Founded by Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad, the Guru Center is a multi-dimensional building that is believed to be as secret and extraordinary as the Pentagon. A diverse cast of philosophers such as Alan Watts, Terence Mckenna, Gandhi and Socrates join the unsuspecting personalities of Jerome (Alien), Wilt Chamberlain and Anna Nicole Smith. Each guru uses his or her philosophical superpower to further the goals of its founders. Their duties might include international diplomacy, disarming nuclear weapons or simply answering patient phone calls. Eisen Godfrey is the newest philosopher at the Guru Center. As a self-aware cartoon, he joins history’s greatest thinkers as they come together to solve the world’s fiercest challenges. The Gurus are always on a mission that is inevitably complicated by their own inner circle drama. Only time will tell if their egos will be the cause of their downfall or the secret to our salvation.
'Gurus,’ the Series, follows Eisen Godfrey's adventures as the newest Guru in the Guru Center, as he works with history's greatest philosophers.
Characters from the show ‘Gurus,’ as well as celebrities, politicians and public figures are presented in short sketches.
Gurus Spin-Offs are recurring web-series platform, designed to focused on particular Gurus from the show, in their own series based on time honored classics and modern topics.
Action team fights international crime.
Characters: Buddha, Jesus, Alan Watts & Terence Mckenna
Roommates struggle to coexist in harmony.
Characters: Malcolm X & Thomas Jefferson
Philosophers banter like the stooges.
Characters: Socrates, Plato & Aristotle
(Kid's Cartoon​)
Young brothers travel through time.
Characters: Corey & Carter
Buddha drives an Uber.
Characters: Buddha & Others
What Would Jesus Do?
Characters: Jesus
Halfway to Mars (Conscious Cartoon)
An animated series that explores consciousness
Characters: Marc Marcel & Others